Me and my girl and boy, raising awareness and acceptance of autism

My lovely D is all snuggly with me, she’s relaxed and laughing, eager to show me the moon when I’ve finished this blog.

Sounds lovely and it is, I like our Mumma-D time, it’s when she’s relaxed that we can talk about the return to school and things that worry her.

I wish it had been like this all day, but it hasn’t. I can’t remember a worse day in these holidays. I’d like to rewind twelve hours or so and start again, but we can’t. I’m just grateful that she is finally calm.

There have been so many emotions played out today, her brain must have been a complete jumble by lunchtime.

We have had refusals (to get up, to get dressed), anger (directed at me or T), frustrations (similar), extreme over -sensitivity (T could not look at his sister without her taking offence and storming off), unhappiness (tears, so many tears today, from us both), jealousy (over the trampoline) etc etc…I could probably list every emotion.

It’s been extremely tiring, trying to second-guess all the time and then failing to second-guess and dealing with the fall-out. I have the headache from Hell.

I don’t think there have been that many triggers, I think it has just been “one of those days”. I’m just glad D is now calm and relaxed.

Tomorrow will be a better day!



Caterpillar watch, day 6:
They have definitely grown, they’ve got little hairs sprouting etc, quite happily wriggling about their little pot!



Here’s a message from the Paralympigs:
“it was too noisy in the main house today, so we stayed in our little area. Peeping our noses out to see if things were quiet enough to get some nibbles. We’ll do our event tomorrow if Miss D has a better day” George, Bungle & Zippy 🐹


Thanks for reading, we’re going to “moon watch” now, I hope everyone has had a good day, comments/RTs as ever welcomed Jx 😘


Comments on: "Thursday 30th August – please can we rewind?" (2)

  1. I’m blaming it on the moon. We’ve just had two days just like you have described. So tiring. We are going out tomorrow so my fingers are tightly crossed that it will be a better day. I hope so for you too x

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