Me and my girl and boy, raising awareness and acceptance of autism

When autism smacks you down and some kind words lift you back up …


Sometimes you can feel like you’re coasting, sticking to the routines that are so important to an autistic child. The snacks and meals are produced at the right time, the routes to and from school are not deviated from, the night-time routine is followed religiously to (try and) ensure a peaceful night’s sleep for them.

And then something happens (as detailed in yesterday’s blog) and …..whack, slam, boom (imagine Batman and Robin graphics here)…you’re floored by autism temporarily but painfully.

This is where Twitter can be so wonderful. The autism community always has someone around to offer advice, support or a virtual hug. In yesterday’s case, it was advice from lovely Lisa (@lisaj4autism) who suggested that we use PECs in future to enable D to move on quicker from situations that she is stuck in. In last night’s blog (in case you haven’t seen it) she was saying “sorry” for about an hour, with a completely blank expression in her eyes and on her face, Hubbie said this morning that she had been rocking whilst saying it too.

It left me thinking well, should I have made T and D apologise (yes, I still think) but now know that some visuals would (hopefully) have closed the situation sooner.

It then made me think and wonder for D. When she was diagnosed, we got the “your daughter is emotionally xx years behind her peers” and “speech is delayed by xxx”, I can’t remember the exact numbers quoted but both were a good few years behind, I wouldn’t mind an update to that but cuts and lack of funding would make that an impossible request. I presume she is still behind emotionally and mentally but in a body that is a few years ahead, my poor little love!

So…this is where Twitter is great, we all have our worries, concerns and fears for the future but there are kindred spirits around who can laugh, cry and joke with you.

Thanks everyone 😘😘

Comments on: "When autism smacks you down and some kind words lift you back up …" (2)

  1. I’ve only read a few of your posts but I wanted to share this. [Before I go on, the reason I thought of this was that when I get into situations like it appears your daughter was in, I need to “stim” in order to relieve the pressure and get back to normal.]

    I discovered yesterday [much to my supreme delight] that those exercise balls make for a great stim activity. Just bouncing on it makes for so much sensation that it just felt amazing and stress-relieving. I do not know if you have identified any of your daughter’s stims yet, but if she has not developed any you may notice that she can work through some things on her own a little better if she can stim.

    Then again, I have Asperger’s and I am not exactly sure where your daughter falls on the spectrum. I did notice that when you described her different components there was no mention of any sensory issues but I know that others with ASD’s who do not have sensory issues also stim so it may still be something to consider. Could not hurt. Spinning in a chair is also lovely, but much nicer when you are littler and fully fit inside a chair rather than arms and legs being left to their own devices.


    • Thank you πŸ™‚ a useful suggestion. Not sure how many of my posts you have read but D (my daughter) has major sensory issues, they perhaps didn’t come across in what you read. She’s autistic and we’re starting to investigate if my son is aspie. So … busy times ahead!

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