Me and my girl and boy, raising awareness and acceptance of autism

From the moment she wakes up and is “served” breakfast, D knows exactly what she’s eating/drinking/wearing that day.  She most definitely is not Fickle.

Unlike her mum (me), on the rare occasions I go into town and (even rarer) if I pop into Prets and choose a sandwich, I differ and debate in my head the various filings (ham and cheese? Ooh yummy, but that’s a bit calorific.  Chicken and salad? Healthier but not too keen on Mayo.  Egg? Nope, just nope) and that’s before I consider white or brown bread, granary or gluten-free.

Nope, there’s nothing fickle about D, she knows exactly what she does and doesn’t like, same as her brother.

What she does like, though and what’s made her smile today are these:

And this:

Because she absolutely LOVES the Mr Men and Little Miss books and can quote verbatim vast amounts from the stories, she has an amazing memory for detail, but if you asked her “what’s 5 plus 10?” she’d struggle, unless it was written down.

Why the sausages?  Well, they were in our shopping delivery, extremely nice they are too and D is always very helpful when it comes to putting the freezer stuff and crisps away (bless her).

She spied the sausages (now there’s something I never thought I’d write) and was instantly reminded of these two pages:

Her absolutely favourite part of the Little Miss Fickle story and, every time we see sausages in the shops (especially at the fresh meat counter), out comes the “beef sausages or pork sausages? PORK sausages” saying.

Something that’s made us all smile today.

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